
  • ***COINS***
    Collecting Is A Lot Of Fun
  • ***ARTS***
    Is Your Freedom

  • ***FLOWERS***
    Shows The Beauty Of The Mother Nature

  • ***PATTERNS***
    Shows The Talents Of Someone

  • ***QUOTES***
    Give Us Advices

  • ***NATURE***
    Free Our Mind

  • ***SKY***
    Full Of Mysterious Things

  • ***FLOWERS***
    A Primary Need For Some Animals

  • ***PUPPIES***
    Are Cute

  • ***SPORTS***
    Makes Our Body Healthy

  • ***QUOTES***
    Makes Our Mind Clear

  • ***FLOWERS***
    Give A Pleasant Smell

  • ***GAMES***
    Everybody Likes To Play

  • ***Nature***
    A Beautiful Creation By The God



  • The flower is a pure and beautiful creation of Nature. It is offered to Gods and presented to the dear and near ones, because of its beauty and purity. It may be of different sizes, species, colour and shapes. It grows on delicate plants.
  • Flowers like the roses, lotuses, tropical water lilies, dalais, etc. are famous for their beauty and glamour. Besides, there are many other popular and common flowers like lily, marigold, jasmine, China rose, chrysanthemum, etc.
  • There are also small flowers like daisy and seasonal flowers of small and pretty sizes and colour planted in parks, lawns, etc. Flowers are sold in the market. They are used for decorating houses and temples, and allude in weddings and festivals. Flowers are loved and adored by all.

Turmeric Flower

In China, the flowering time is usually in August. Terminally on the false stemthere is a 12 to 20 cm long inflorescence stem containing many flowers. The bracts are light green and ovate with a length of 3 to 5 centimeters to oblong with a blunt upper end.

At the top of the inflorescence stem bracts are present on which there are no flowers, these are, white to green and sometimes tinged reddish-purple and its upper end is tapered.
The hermaphrodite flowers are zygomorphic and threefold. The three 0.8 to 1.2 centimeters long, sepals are fused, white, have fluffy hairs and the three calyx
teeth are unequal. The three bright yellow petals are fused into a corolla tube up to 3 centimeters long. The three corolla lobes have a length of 1 to 1.5 cm, triangular with soft-spiny upper end. While the average corolla lobe is larger than the two lateral. Only the median stamen of the inner circle is fertile. The dust bag is spurred at its base. All other stamens are converted to staminodes. The outer staminodes are shorter than the labellum. The labellum is yellowish, with a yellow ribbon in its center and it is obovate, with a length from 1.2 to 2 cm. Three carpelsare under a constant, trilobed ovary adherent, which is sparsely hairy.



Some orchids have single flowers, but most have a racemose inflorescence, sometimes with a large number of flowers. The flowering stem can be basal, that is, produced from the base of the tuber, like in Cymbidium, apical, meaning it grows from the apex of the main stem, like in Cattleya, or axillary, from the leaf axil, as in Vanda.

As an apomorphy of the clade, orchid flowers are primitively zygomorphic(bilaterally symmetrical), although in some genera like Mormodes, Ludisia andMacodes, this kind of symmetry may be difficult to notice.
The orchid flower, like most flowers of monocots, has two whorls of sterile elements. The outer whorl has three sepals and the inner whorl has three petals. The sepals are usually very similar to the petals (and thus called tepals, 1), but may be completely distinct.
The upper medial petal, called the labellum or lip (6), is always modified and enlarged. The inferior ovary (7) or the pedicel usually rotates 180 degrees, so that the labellum, goes on the lower part of the flower, thus becoming suitable to form a platform for pollinators. This characteristic, called resupination, occurs primitively in the family and is considered apomorphic (the torsion of the ovary is very evident from the picture). Some orchids have secondarily lost this resupination, e.g.Zygopetalum and Epidendrum secundum.
The normal form of the sepals can be found in Cattleya, where they form a triangle. In Paphiopedilum (Venus slippers), the lower two sepals are fused into a synsepal, while the lip has taken the form of a slipper. In Masdevallia, all the sepals are fused.


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